Custom jewelry designs available now! Designer jewelry featuring natural GEMSTONES, healing stones, birthstones and crystals.
Custom jewelry designs available now! Designer jewelry featuring natural GEMSTONES, healing stones, birthstones and crystals.
All properties for natural stones and chakra stones listed here are for your information only. They are not intended to replace medical treatments or advise in a medical capacity. Always listen to you medical professionals. These are only meant as a tool to aid you in your journey in health and well being.
Abundance, Acceptance, Balance, Courage, Generosity, Good Luck, Harmony, Longevity, Love, Protection, Safety, Security, Wealth
Birthstone-Gemini, Vergo
Agate is a good natural stone for balancing the mind body and spirit. It helps you to eliminate negative energy and cleanse and stabilize your aura. It is a good chakra stone for when concentration is needed, helping you to see things in an analytical way and get things done. It is a soothing stone,calming anger and promoting a sense of security and protection.
Agate can be used to heal eyes, stomach and uterus. Agate can also help cleanse the lymphatic system and pancreas. It can aid in healing skin disorders and strengthen blood vessels.
Calm, Communication, Energizing, Fear, Health, Honor, Hope, Inspiration, LUCK, Manifestation, Soothing, Stress, Truth, Trust
Heart and throat chakra
Amazonite is a milky green stone with white, cream and grey striations. The darker green the stone, the more intense the stones properties.
Amazonite is a stone for attracting love, prosperity, and luck. This stone opens and heals the heart and throat chakras and is attributed with opening the third eye and aiding in visualizations and manifestations. Amazonite is good for dispelling negative energy and soothing emotional trauma. It can help you move past your fears. Amazonite is a soothing stone that can help with stress and balancing your mood. Amazonite can help you to see your inner truth and better appreciate other's point of view. Amazonite can help you to better communicate, speak your truth, gain a better understanding of yourself, while helping you to manifest your true needs and desires.
Amazonite promotes overall health and healing. It helps to calm the body,alleviate joint pain, inflammation, liver problems, and arthritis. It is a stone specifically for cell regeneration, balancing the adrenals, providing support with osteoporosis, rheumatism, and pain relief. It is an EMF blocking stone.
Balance, Cleansing, Confidence, Good luck, Healing, Patience, Protection, Purification, Romantic love, Self-expression, Spontaneity, Strength, Wisdom
Birthstone-Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn,
Solar plexus & throat chakras
Amber is a “stone” made from petrified tree sap. It's golden in color, and can range from an opaque pale yellow, to a clear honey color.
It is a great stone for absorbing pain and negative energy. It's thought to draw disease out of the body, Amber helps with depression, aids self-confidence, stimulates intellect, and promotes self-esteem.
Amber can help manage, promote or aid in healing your digestive system, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, liver, and joints.
Calming, Grounding, Harmony, Healing, Love, Manifestation, Meditation, Protection, Serenity, Spiritual Awareness
Birthstone-February, Aquarius, Pisces
Amethyst is a soothing and calming stone that offers clarity to the wearer. You will find yourself more centered, balanced and levelheaded. If you are experiencing grief, this stone can offer you comfort. It can aid in dispelling negative thoughts and energy while keeping rage at bay. It is a good protection stone that is good at warding off negative energy, physical attacks, blocking manipulation and giving you protection against misfortune. It is a good stone for bringing out your creative side. It can also promote good decision-making skills.
Amethyst helps manage, addiction,anger, anxiety, and mood swings. It is also thought to help regulate arthritis, allergies, circulation, detoxification, endocrine systems, joint pain, headaches, healing, hormones, immunity, inflammation, insomnia, liver health, metabolism, migraines, nervous system, pain, sleep, and, stress.
Communication, Creativity, Focus, Harmony, Health, Knowledge, Learning, Manifestation, Meditation, Peace, Psychic development, Spiritual, Truth, Unconditional love, Weight loss
Birthstone- Gemini
(Blue) Throat chakra
Apatite helps you to develop your psychic gifts and grow spiritually. It's a great stone to help you manifest your intent. It provides you with motivation when you need it most. It's a good aid for people who suffer from stage fright. When used appropriately, Apatite can give you the confidence and communication skills needed for speaking publicly. Apatite can stimulate ideas and help you in creative development. It's also a good tool to use to overcome sorrow and anger.
Apatite is a good stone for overall heath. It is a n anti-viral stone. It can help regulate hormones, manage stomach and digestive issues, sooth arthritis, and encourages new cell growth.
Calm, Cleansing, Healing, Meditation, Peace, Prosperity, Purifying, Soothing, Tranquil, Trust, Truth
Birthstone- Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Libra
Throat chakra
Aquamarine is a calming, cleansing and purifying stone that can aid in managing emotional trauma. Aquamarine can also bring peace to people who are feeling overwhelmed. Aquamarine helps one to be less judgmental and encourages tolerance. It's a good stone to aid in improved learning. Aquamarine is also a helpful tool for working through negotiations, compromises, and confrontation, giving the wearer clear thoughts and skills with communication.
Aquamarine can manage, allergies, auto-immune diseases, digestion, and sooth sore throats. It aids in pregnancy retention, and is thought to support the endocrine system, regulate hormones, and boost the immune system.It can aid in managing Lyme disease symptoms as well.
Aventurine- (Green)
Balance, Career Success, Cramps, Creativity, EMF protection, Healing, Health, LUCK, Manifesting, Meditation, Prosperity, Visualization, Wealth
Birthstone- August, Leo, Libra
Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
Aventurine is a great stone for people who need guidance in decision making, it can help you work through unresolved emotional issues and aid in personal growth. It is a stone to be used for drawing in wealth and prosperity. Aventurine can help to attract love even later in life.
Aventurine can be considered a healing stone that can be helpful in managing stress, cramps, nausea, rheumatism, and issues of the, heart, joints, lungs, liver, and sinuses.
Black onyx-
Banishes grief, Calming, Constancy, Dispels negative energy, Grounding, Happiness, Luck, Permanence, Self-confidence Soothing, Stamina, Vigor
Birthstone- Gemini, Leo, Capricorn
Root Chakra, Solar Plexus, Crown Chakra & Third Eye
Onyx helps to work through your everyday fears and anxiety, dispelling negative energy, nervousness, worry, nightmares and banishing grief. Onyx can help to prevent the drain on your personal energy, and helps to promote harmony with work/life balance. Onyx is a good stone to use for protection when entering battle and during times of conflict and it imparts the wearer with stamina, vigor, and support. It sheds light on your true inner self and makes you more self-aware.Onyx can enhance self-control aiding in overcoming addiction and alcoholism. Onyx also helps encourage happiness, good fortune, and can increase devotion and help relieve tension in a marriage.
Onyx can help manage overall health and cell regeneration. It is recommended for people suffering from disorders of the bones, bone marrow, blood, blood pressure, teeth, feet, epilepsy, glaucoma, and soft tissue disorders. It can ease injuries especially ones sustained during childbirth. It is recommended to place on your stomach during labor to reduce pain associated with labor. It is also useful when managing obesity, and ovarian cysts.
Blue Lace Agate -
Balancing energy, Calming, Cleansing, Communication, Confidence, Harmony, Healing, Hope, Joy, Nurturing, Optimism, Peace, Positive thinking, Protection, Purification, Soothing, Supportive, Truth
Birthstone-Pisces & Sagittarius
Throat Chakra
Blue Lace Agate is a nurturing and supportive stone that helps you speak your truth giving you the confidence to say what you need to say, as well the ability to be heard by others. Blue lace can help to neutralize anger giving you the power to heal emotionally.
Blue Lace Agate can help manage infection, inflammation, and fever. It can also help heal thyroid issues, lymph infections, and speed bone repair.
Confidence, Courage, Courteous, Purification, Protection, Harmony, Heeling energy, Peace, Strength
Birthstone- Leo
Base & Sacral Chakra
Bronzite helps protect the wearer repel negative energy and promotes healing from emotional trauma. It gives you courage and assists in your ability to resolve unsettled issues and facilitates forgiveness. It helps with decisiveness and seeing a clear path through the confusion. It helps you to be courteous as well as assists others in being courteous to you. It can also repel curses, psychic attacks and hexes. It can also help you shed old attachments.
Bronzite can help aid blood purification, depression, anxiety, cramps, and stress.
Compassion, Creativity, Courage, Friendship, Motivating, Stabilizing, Success,
Birthstone –July, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, & Capricorn
Sacral Chakra
Carnelian is a motivating stone that increases personal power, physical energy. and boosts courage. Carnelian can help to calm fears of death and renewal, helping you to accept the circle of life. Carnelian helps overcome negative experiences. It is a stone that can also help the wearer focus, helping one to make clear decisions. It’s a stabilizing stone that helps to manage anger and stabilize mood swings. Carelian is often used to boost creativity, create positive life choices, and gain success.
Carnelian can help your body to detox your liver. It can also help with issues due to Inflammation and hormone imbalance, whie it supports overall heart health.
Clear Quartz crystal-
Amplification, Balancing, Clarity, Concentration, EMF blocking, Energy boost & balancing, Harmony, Immune stimulant, Intention amplification, Meditation, Power, Spiritual Growth,
Birthstone-April & Pisces
Crown chakra & Harmonizes chakras
Clear quartz protects the wearer from negativity, and harmonizes your chakras. It is considered a versatile & powerful healing stone. Quartz aids healing both physically and emotionally, and is a good stone to wear daily to help stabilize thoughts and feelings. It is a stone for help retrieving memories that you need to revisit. It's perfect for amplifying all over health and spirituality. Crystal is also good for boosting energy, intention, and raising the power of other crystals when using them for healing purposes. Crystal aids in the flow of communication on a spiritual level and is considered a soul cleanser.
Clear quartz crystal is a master healing stone that can be used to manage migraines, motion sickness, vertigo, metabolism regulation, toxin removal, and weight loss. Crystal can aid in managing disorders of the digestive system,, bladder, and kidneys. People use it to alleviate exhaustion, manage pain relief, cleansing organs & boosting your Immune system.
Amplifies psychic gifts and awareness, Confidence, Energy, Focus, Harmony, Organization, Patience, Relaxing, Self-discipline
Throat chakra
Dumortierite is a calming stone that helps with shyness and self- confidence. It gives you courage to stand up for yourself and manage your fears. It's also a great stone to use when you need to stabilize relationships.
Dumortierite is a stone that promotes organization and self-discipline. It helps to tolerate monotonous tasks and gives you the focus needed to get them accomplished. It is a stone that can stimulate your brain and help to enhance and your intellectual abilities and information retention. It ultimately supports you while you learn to take control of your life.
Dumortierite is a stone that can help manage depression, stress, tension, and insomnia. It is thought to help improve headaches, inflammation, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and cramping.
Balancing, Boosts sex drive, Concentration, Creativity, Grounding, Healing, Peace, Positive, Protecting, Healing, Improves Energy Field, Inspiring, Manifesting, Relaxing, Self-confidence, Spiritual, Stabilizing
Birthstone- Capricorn, Aquarius, Pices, Taurus, & Libra
Heart & throat chakra
Fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative energy balancing and calming everyday chaos. It also increases concentration, making it a good stone to use as a learning aid. It can be especially helpful for people with ADHD, or learning disorders. It calms the mind helping the user to focus on the content you are striving to learn. Fluorite is also a good stone to wear if you suffer with confidence in decision making.
Fluorite can help to improve balance and coordination. It is also thought to help to improve teeth, lungs and skeletal systems.
Balancing, Calming, Concentration, Confidence, Courage, Focus, Grounding, Healing, Optimism, Pain, Protection, Self-esteem, Willpower
Birthstone- Gemini
Base chakra
Hematite is a grounding and protecting stone that helps to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy. Hematite can be used to balance your mind, body, and emotions. It promotes focus and concentration. It’s a good stone for growing your optimism and self- esteem helping you to curb your compulsions offering you the willpower needed overcome addictions.
Hematite balances meridians, helps with red blood cell formation, treats leg cramps, spinal alignment, and speeds the healing of fractures. It has also been accredited with helping to manage anemia, anxiety, cramps, headaches, insomnia, and pai
Calming, Pain management, Patience, Soothing, Stress,
Root & crown chakra
Howlite is a white or creamy stone with grey veining. It is often dyed and can be confused with turquoise.
Howlite absorbs negative energy, and can help manage, anger providing patience and a calming energy. It's also a good stone to wear if you suffer from insomnia. Howlite can help the wearer manage pain, stress and anxiety. Howlite can calm the mind and give the wearer a memory boost, while promoting a thirst for knowledge. I
Lastly it is the perfect stone to use on your personal journey to amplify your spiritual awareness.
Howlite can help to release muscle tension and can help with calcium absorption.
Imperial Jasper-
Activates sexual energy, EMF Protection, Focus, Imagination, Organization, Protection, Relaxing, Spiritual, Tranquility,
Aligns chakras and heals heart, solar plexus, and sacral chakras.
Imperial Jasper is a protective and healing stone that absorbs negative energy and helps the wearer through stressful times. Imperial Jasper is a spiritual aid that can help the wearer to manage their power, helping you to better connect with the spirit world.
Imperial Jasper is also a relaxing stone promoting a tranquil state. It is also recommended to use as an aid to help to activate sexual energy. It can also stimulate your imagination and boost determination when needed, It is also attributed with the ability to help you to become more organized so you can stay on task complete your project.
Jade (green)-
Balance, Friendship, Harmony, Longevity, LUCK, Moderation, Peace, Personal growth, Protection, Purification, Serenity, Stability, Tranquility, Vitality, Wealth and Wisdom
Birthstone- March, August, & Virgo
Heart chakra
Jade is attributed with the ability to attract luck and wealth. Jade protects the wearer from negative energy and helps balance the body. It's a gentle, peaceful and nourishing stone that supports a loving heart helping you to draw love in. It's a good stone to help manage stress and anxiety.
Jade can be used to relieve pain associated with arthritis, help manage disorders concerning blood circulation, and can aid in detoxifying the body.
Jasper- (Red)-
Balancing, Boosts energy, Calming, Creativity, Grounding, Healing, Passion
Birthstone- Aries
Root Chakra
Jaspers are thought to be powerful healing stones. Red jasper is a specifically powerful protective stone that is also calming and empowering. It's sometimes used to boost creativity, endurance, insight, passion, and stamina. It has been known to also help in dream recall,
Red Jasper is used to boost overall health and help the body detoxify. It can be a benefit to people suffering from disorders of the blood and liver. Red jasper was also thought to help staunch wounds and increase fertility
Balance yin-yang, Calming, Loyalty, Meditation, Tranquility, Truth
Birthstone- Taurus
Aligns chakras
Kyanite enhances telepathic and psychic gifts and meditative practices. It’s a good stone to wear if you need to boost confidence for effective public speaking. Kyanite does NOT retain negative energy and
can be used to clear other crystals. It can be a good tool to use when working through issues or arguments and help to repair relationships. Kyanite can assist in all forms of communication can also be a benefit to you during the process of negotiations.
Calming, Intuition, Meditation, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Serendipity, Spirituality, Spontaneity, Strength, Stress.
Birthstone- Aquarius, Pisces, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, & Capricorn
Throat & crown chakra
Labradorite is a claiming and transformative stone. It's considered a highly spiritual stone that can be helpful to use to guide the wearer in uncertain times or times of change. Labradorite can also aid in one's journey of spiritual awakening, connecting the wearer to the divine. It’s a great stone for balancing your aura and grounding your energy. . It can guide you in meditation, heighten your intuition and open your third eye. It also helps to dispel negative thoughts and energy and draws joy, serendipity and spontaneity into your life.
Labradorite is a good stone to treat ailments of the eyes or brain. It also stimulates your mental clarity and helps relieve stress and anxiety.
Lapis Lazuli-
Communication, Courage, Dignity, Focus, Friendship, Honesty, Intellect, Intuition, Love, Meditation, Self- Confidence, Sociability, Spiritual Awareness, Strength, Truth, Wealth, Wisdom
Birthstone- Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Sagittarius
Throat & third eye chakra
Lapis Lazuli is considered a stone of royalty. It is a stone of Strength, courage, wisdom, intellect, and truth. Lapis protects the wearer against psychic attacks and can bring inner peace and harmony. Lapis brings about a sense of self- awareness, aiding one in the ability to speak one's own truth. It is a supportive stone giving courage and confidence when needed. Lapis can also be used to boost your creative drive.
Lapis Lazuli has been attributed with the ability to be able to aid with boosting the immune system, blood purification, lowering blood pressure, Supporting the endocrine system, cooling and soothing inflammation, as well as managing headaches, insomnia, vertigo, and depression.
Lava Stone-
Balance emotions, Calming, Cleansing, Communication, Creativity, Fertility, Grounding
Birthstone - Taurus & Cancer
Base chakra
Lava Stone is a matte black stone with holes or air pockets throughout from where it was formed from volcanic fire. The stones somehow manage to harness the raw energy from the fire. They are good stones to wear to boost health and strength, especially during times of rebirth, and renewal. It's considered a very powerful healing stone both physically and emotionally and is particularly good at helping to manage anger.
Love, Purification, Relaxation, Visualization
Crown & Heart Chakras
Magnesite is a blue stone often confused with Turquoise. This stone can help with visualization during meditation. It is said that it can help to open the crown and heart chakras. It has been attributed with the ability to help develop and maintain a positive attitude. It can also help to still your mind, diminish anxiety, promote sleep, and alleviate stress.
Magnesite may help aid in magnesium absorption and cell detox. It is also thought to help to eliminate body odor. It can also manage PMS, cramps, stomach, intestinal issues, gallbladder disease, and kidney stones. It's also good for managing body temperature as well as fever, and chills.
Abundance, Balance, Calming, Cleansing, Comfort,, EMF protection Healing, Intention, Leadership, Loyalty, Manifestation, Mood swings, Peace, Protection, Rebirth & Regrowth, Transformation, Wealth, Wisdom
Birthstone for Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, & Capricorn
Heart ,Throat & Clears Chakras
Malachite is a green stone with dark green stripes and swirls throughout. Malachite is a protective stone, protecting the wearer from negative energy, EMF, radiation, and pollutants. Malachite helps us to break ties to the past, helping you to move on all the while providing courage for big changes. It helps the wearer to take responsibility for their actions, promoting empathy for others, releasing inhibitions, and opening you up for unconditional love.
Malachite is considered a healing stone. It is attributed with the ability to help manage cancer, arthritis, blood pressure, cell health, fertility, cramps, liver disease, and boost immunity
Moon Stone-
Calming, Fertility, Healing, Inspiring, Love, Luck, Soothing, Sensuality, Stabilizing, Strength, Success
Birthstone- June, October & Libra
Solar plexus & Heart chakras
Moonstone is a very mysterious stone that helps you to be more in touch with our feelings. It helps to increase your intuition and facilitate new beginnings. It is a calming stone that is good for helping to settle hyperactive children. It is considered a good stone for luck in love and business. It is often used to draw in open judgement free love.
Moonstone is a balancing stone that helps the wearer to manage fear, self-doubt, curb negative feelings and sooth emotions.
Moonstone is thought to aid in the elimination of toxins while aiding in nutrient absorption, constipation relief, and calming digestive disorders. Moonstone is great for reproductive health, helping to curb PMS and regulate hormones especially in times where hormones are in flux. It is a good stone to us if you suffer from insomnia and is thought to prevent sleepwalking.
Moss Agate-
Abundance, Compatibility, Confidence, Congeniality, Creativity, Fertility of plants, Friendship, Healing, Prosperity, Relationship, Compatibility, Strength, Success, Wealth
Birthstone— Cancer, Leo, & Virgo, Aquarius
Heart chakra
Moss agate is a stone of new beginnings. It assists in boosting self-esteem while it aids in refreshing the soul. Moss Agate helps the wearer to see the beauty in things. It is considered helpful in relieving sensitivity to environmental pollutants and weather. It inspires new thoughts and ideas when one is feeling blocked. It's also thought to assist in self-expression and communication. Moss Agate helps balance emotions, manage fear and calm stress. It's also attributed with the ability to attract wealth and success.
Moss agate speeds up healing and recovery when needed. It reduces inflammation, helps body with elimination processes, boosts your immune system, and helps manage pain during delivery. It is also thought to manage hypoglycemia, treat infections, colds, and flu, and reduce fevers when needed.
Obsidian (black)
Calming, Clarity, Courage, Grounding, Meditation, Psychic ability, Scrying, Transforming, Truth
Birthstone- Scorpio & Sagittarius
Root Chakra
Black obsidian is a powerful all-seeing crystal. It's a truth enhancing stone with strong psychic protective qualities.. It is said to be a strong stone that can be overwhelming so be prepared for it to bring the truth to the surface with force. It shields the wearer from psychic attacks and negativity and helps to bring past trauma and negative feelings to the surface. It is also attributed with helping to break ties with negative attachments, while it also helps to release fear and anger. This stone encourages exploration of the unknown, revealing truth and healing the soul.
Obsidian helps with managing addictions and eating disorders. It is also thought to help boost one's libido when necessary.
Calming, Confident, Creativity, Happiness, Hope, Love, Luck, Protective, Purity, Self-Healing
Birthstone- October, Libra
Base & Crown chakras
Opal is a protective stone that balances your emotions, boosts your energy and stabilizes your mood. It is considered a mirroring stone, by mirroring your emotions. If you are feeling happy it brings happiness which causes a kind of a karmic effect. Opal acknowledges your thoughts and desires and amplifies them. It helps to enhance your meditative practices and psychic visions. It is thought to inspire creativity and motivate you to succeed. Opal encourages inner growth and freedom.
Opals are thought to help treat infection, fevers, purify your blood and kidneys, regulate insulin and detoxify and regenerate the liver. It is attributed with the ability to ease childbirth and symptoms associated with PMS. It is also considered to help people who suffer from impotency, lack of libido, and infertility.
Communication, Meditation, Mood boost, Power, Self-esteem, Self-worth, Transition
Crown chakra
Opalite is a manmade stone that is made to mimic the look of opal stones. It is milky white in appearance with a blue or yellow glow. It is also called sea opal or opal moonstone. It is still thought to have metaphysical properties. It is used to improve communication, especially spiritual communication. It helps provide support in times of transition like moving, changing jobs, ending or beginning relationships, having a baby etc. It is thought to help work through feelings, providing a boost to your mood, and removing energy blockages.
Opalite is a god stone to use if you need help purifying kidneys and blood.
Balancing, Communication, Creativity, Determination, Grounding, Healing, Intelligence, Inspirational, Intellect, Logic, Memory, Optimism, Persistence, Persuasion, Protection, Stamina, Willpower
Birthstone- Leo
Solar plexus chakra
Pyrite is a mineral that has a brassy yellow color. It is often referred to as “fool's gold’.
Pyrite shields you from negative energy and environmental pollution, while promoting physical wellbeing. Pyrite frees your energy field of bad vibrations, helping to release mental, physical and spiritual blockages. It encourages new thought patterns giving you a new view of the world and a new way of thinking. It is thought to enhance willpower in times of need. Pyrite inspires the wearer, enhancing your creative juices and helping you to effectively communicate your ideas, ultimately leading to financial gain and recognition.
Pyrite can help people who have issues with their bones, cell formation, and lungs. It helps reduce swelling, and fevers. It is also thought to help provide a caregiver and the person infected with an illness protection from the disease.
Rhodonite -
Acceptance, Balancing, Calming, Courtesy, Compassion, Elegance, Forgiveness, Grateful, Love, Self-confidence, Tactful
Birthstone-Taurus & Cancer
Heart Chakra
Rhodonite intensifies acceptance and forgiveness. It's also thought to clear away emotional scars, while balancing emotions and nurturing love. Rhodonite lends support in situations where abuse and co-dependency are present. It can bring peace to troubled relationships and encourage forgiveness. It can also help to curb self-destructive behavior. Rhodonite can keep you from reacting in a negative way during times of fear, panic, or anger.
Rose Quartz
Love, self-love, friendship, communicating
Birthstone- October & Taurus
Opens the heart chakras
Rose Quartz is known as the stone of universal love, unconditional love, and friendship. It would be the stone to wear if you are looking to attract love and joy into your life. This stone can be used to restore trust and harmony in a relationship and can help to bond with your spouse or friends. It is thought to be a stone of protection of mother and child from conception to post-natal care. It's though to help to protect a mother as well as the baby during a pregnancy, as well as help the mother and child to bond postpartum. It’s a good stone for healing emotional wounds.
Rose quartz can aid, promote or manage heart health, prevent thrombosis, heart attack, support circulation, and protect pregnancy.
Abundance, Balances hormones, Creation, Dispels negative energy, Fertility, Meditation, Peace, Protection, Wisdom, Stimulates psychic abilities, Sexuality
Birthstone- Gemini, Libra
Crown Chakra & Clears all Chakras
Serpentine is a protective stone that goes beyond blocking negative energy. It helps to build a field around you that negativity can't penetrate. By doing this it helps you to heal mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a good stone for amplifying your psychic abilities and boosting your meditative experience, while exploring your spiritual awakening.
Helps to focus healing energy to where it is needed most. It is a stone to use to boost sexual energy, fertility, and balance hormones.
Silver Luster Quartz)-
Abundance, Cleansing, Energy balance, Energy flow, Intuitive, Nurturing
Connects to and aligns all chakras
It seems like this stone is a clear quartz that has metal physically and electrostatically bonded to it. It retains all of the healing properties of quartz crystal which is amplified by the metallic bond that enhances its vibration. It is a strong master healing stone, energy amplifier, energy balancer, and cleanser. It also stimulates your immune system
Smoky Quartz-
Calming, Communication, Concentration, Grounding, Fear reducer, Intuitive, Manages depression, Practicality, Pride, Serenity, Stability
Birthstone- Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Base & Solar plexus chakras
Smoky quartz is a calming stone that helps manage fear, anxiety and depression. It neutralizes negative energy, helps promote positive thoughts and feelings, and dispels nightmares. It is a good stone to use in times when concentration is needed. It can also help you to effectively communicate ideas.
Smoky quartz is a strong healing and grounding stone. It promotes detoxification and digestive health. Smoky quartz also protects you from EMF radiation that is emitted from your cell phones, and Wi-Fi signals throughout your home.
Smoky quartz helps to manage cramps. It also helps to strengthen your back, relieving pain and muscle spasms. Smoky quartz also helps with neurological issues, fortifying nerves, and helping resolve headaches. It also promotes and supports reproductive health and can help with mineral and water absorption.
Awakening, Calming, Clarity, Emotional balance, Immunity, Intuition, Logic, Meditation, Metabolism, Objectivity, Rationality, Self- esteem, Self-acceptance, Truth, Weight Loss
Birthstone-Virgo, Sagittarius
Third eye & throat chakra
Sodalite helps the wearer to develop rational thought patterns and helps you to verbalize your thoughts effectively. Sodalite balances your emotions when you're overwhelmed helping you to manage anger and frustration. Sodalite is also a good stone to help regulate hormones and can also curb emotional outbursts related to hormone fluctuations. Sodalite also gives you to the insight needed to manage everyday frustrations and concerns, and deal with them effectively.
Sodalite is thought to help reduce inflammation, manage headaches, and reduce muscle strain. It is an effective acid reducer, PH balancer, and can help regulate blood pressure. It is thought to heal throat ailments, balance metabolism, cleanse lymph systems, boost your immune system, manage insomnia, and aid in healing digestive disorders.
Tigers eye ( golden brown)-
Courage, Empowerment, Focus, Good luck, Grounding, Integrity, Power, Practicality, Protection
Birthstone-November, Taurus, Gemini, & Capricorn
Sacral & Plexus Chakras
Tigers Eye is a stone of protection, bringing the wearer luck and good fortune. Tigers Eye boosts mental clarity which helps you to focus, see the issues at hand and solve problems in a timely and objective manner. It also helps you to focus and problem solve without having emotions cloud your judgement. Tigers Eye helps dispel fear and anxiety and is a great stone for building courage, willpower, and self- confidence. It also helps to stabilize mood swings and release tension.
Tigers eye heals ailments of the eyes, throat, and reproductive systems. It can help with toxin elimination, repairing broken bones, and helping to strengthen and align the spine.
Good Fortune, Good Luck, Healing, Serenity, Truth, Wellbeing
Birthstone- December
Turquoise is a blue/ green stone that helps to open the throat chakra promoting truth and honesty. It's a good stone for cleansing negative energy and attracting good fortune, . This stone is a life affirming stone as well.
Turquoise can manage, throat ailments, respiratory issues, and ENT problems. It also helps manage migraines, Inflammation, and mood swings,, It aids nutrient absorption and boosts immunity, and self-worth. its also thought to speed the healing of wounds
Balance, Grounding, Scrying, spirituality, Vision
Birthstone- Scorpio
Heart Chakra & Opens third eye
Unakite is a grounding stone that balances your emotions. It helps you to grow spiritually facilitating rebirth and renewal. It can help you to shed past problems that inhibit your progress and potential for psychological growth.
Unakite is a supportive stone for recovery from major illnesses. It is a beneficial stone for reproductive health and helps support healthy pregnancies and newborns. It also promotes healthy hair and nails.
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